66% of parents would be surprised at the acusation but would be willing to listen. 35% would spend time trying to understand why it happenend. 18% would insist their child apologise. 15% would arrange a meeting with other parents. What would you want to do? What would you actualy do?
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.Nowadays, kids can communicate even when millions of miles away. There is a downside to this though. Kids can now hurt their friends forever with the click of a button. As you can see from this graph, many kids are tragically affected by cyberbullying more and more each year. You can see more on how you can protect your child in the story below.
"Emotions and feelings are energy in motion" -Chetna Mehta
"It's okay to dislike someone, or even dislike someone for no reason.But it's not okay to disrespect, degrade, and humiliate that person." -Anonymous
"People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential even if you are not" -Wayne Gerard Trotman