
Ways to help kids who have experience child abuse.

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We will help kids who are experienceing child abuse diffrent ways the preview page. This theme is open source, and you can help us on this mission.

Drugs and Alcohol dosen't help. It will also lead to child abuse. And if you are abusing your child because of that,then they will be taken away to a Foster care. Also another reason is, becuase of mental health issuses or relationships.

Water Street Mission

Being homeless or abused is a symptom-not an idenity, and since 1950 the Mission has provided aid to thousands of people who are experiencing homelessnes or abuse.

World Health Organization

The International Society for Prevention of child abuse and Neglect together for girls united.


The NCA was formed in 1988. They helped kids with for more than 25 years.It helped children heal from abuse and from offenders.

Save abusive kids in the world!