Spreading Awareness

Drop Down Discrimination

Racial Discriminaton

Racial discrimination is an unjust or biased treatment against individuals on the basis of their skin color, racial or ethnic origin. In many cases the law forbids discrimination when it comes to harassment or any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job layoff and etc. All over the world people deal with discrimination on a daily, but the question is...what are we doing to fix this dilemma?

The solution is to remain understanding, to have a strong base approach to getting to know and experience each other, as well as diverse thinking.

Cultural Appropriation

Cultural Appropriation is when somebody adopts aspects of a culture that’s not their own. But that's just the simple definition, a deeper understanding of cultural appropriation also refers to a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by the dominant group. It’s okay to appreciate the culture but not be a culture vulture. For example before 2016 tons of black women and girls were shamed for having big lips but when Kylie Jenner made the lip challenge having big lips was a huge need and suddenly big lips were in. Another example is when people dress up as “Indians” or wear “ Washington Redskins” merch because its very disrespectful to Indiginous people. I could honestly go on and on but the point of talking about culture appropriation is to stop the negativity and start healing from the past and make the future better for the youth.

Religious Discrimination

Discrimination against religion is a problem because we are only accepting people for their religion and we are not accepting them for who they are as a person. We as a people just give them labels like we don’t give them a chance to tell us who they are as a person. We are so quick to judge people with religion and not easy to understand their religion or who they are as a person. A solution for us we could be more understanding and respectful to people's beliefs and others. We don't have to discriminate against people because they believe in a god or gods because at the end of the day we are all the same; we are all human and we need to learn how to love each other for who they are as a human.

“Religious discrimination is not like racial discrimination. One you chose for yourself, the other God chose for you.”
― Habeeb Akande