Ashley works in public health and is a project manager. She has suffered from body shaming on many occasions. The first time she was body shamed she was young. Kids made fun of her because she was skinnier than others. She started to take medication that caused her to gain weight. The kids used to call her "ashligh" and made songs out of it. While gaining weight, she was diagnosed with auto immune disease. The disease would go into overdrive when in the sun, and attacks germs, and skin cells all over her body. Ashley felt insecure about herself and was depressed. Then she started to feel better about herself by cutting out the negative vibes that came her way and unfollowed accounts on social media that made her feel bad.

-Olivia Speer

Body shaming frequently takes place, especially in early teenage years and early young adult years. I personally have never been directly body shamed, but I do have friends who have been body shamed. For instance, one of my friends was told that “she would be cuter if she lost 15 pounds.” People at times can be cruel and harsh with their words. However, on a larger scale, I think body shaming takes place in the world of commercialism and social media, as I talked about earlier. Companies have the opportunity to take a stand and promote their products in their own way. For instance, as I mentioned, Aerie promotes body positivity and being confident in your own skin, whereas Victoria Secret, for instance, promotes their products by creating this perception that you must be long-legged, small-waisted, and “angelic.”

“Be proud of who you are” and “Everyone is beautiful.”

Inspiration Video

This video explains how people body shame girls off of the way they kick, run, and dance.


Always Be Who YOU Are!!