Meal Plan 1
Meal Plan 1


Take our Chw Buggy survey to help you decide which meal plan to select from our choices below!

Learn about it

Chw Buggy Health Survey!


Our survey will tell you how healthy you are and what you should do to improve it. This should help you choose your meals more wisely!

Score Results


We recommend seing a medical proffesional to assist you with your health issues, Or visiting out sister company: Pocket Doc

Find your Diagnosis


Underweight: You are unhealthy and need to gain weight by eating healthy foods high in calories to be at a healthy weight. See our "Weight Gain Meal Plan"

Overweight: You are overweight and need to loose fat in order to be a healthy weight and improve your overall health. See our "Wight Loss Meal plan"


You are almost at a healthy weight! you just need a little push by eating the right foods that we have readily available for you. See our "Health Boost meal plan"


congrats! you are practically in tip top shape and most likely want to stay in your current shape. See our "Health boost meal plan", or our "Athlete Boost meal plan" If you are in the 75-86 and want to reach the 90's and up, see our "Athletes meal plan" to help your body be in it's best shape with our meal choices!

Our Selections


Our Weight Gain Plan will help those who need to gain weight do so healthily and correctly.


Our Weight Loss Plan will help those who need to loose weight do so healthily and correctly.


Our Health Boost Plan will help those with the average body become leaner and stronger. This plan can also help people who are under and overweight.


Our Athletes Plan will help Athletes stay in shape, build and retain muscle. This dietary plan will provide protien among other neccesarry nutrients.

Chw Buggy

48146 Brave Camp
Chicago, il 48146

Copyright © Chw Buggy 2017