Bullying is a big issue that happens all around the world, yet it's not a big deal. Every 7 seconds someone is getting bullyied. If you think about it deeper that's a lot of kids getting bullied. Most teenageres will start to have terrible thoughts about themselves, which isn't healthy.
If you see bullying you can help stop it. Once you see someone bullying someone stand by them to not make them feel alone and speak out to the bully. If the bully doesn't stop then, talk to a grown up that you know can help stop it. Since there are different ways of bullying i'll give an example of cyberbullying. You may tell your guardian or go to the police. To show proof to the police make sure to take screenshot it will be helpful.
Since bullying isn't getting know as much, we can all do something different to help. I have have some examples. If you wanna start small you can go around your neighborhood and talk to people about bullying.We can do marchs saying how bullting is impacting a whole lot of peoples.We can we webites and make ads to make it pop around to gt it known more.
"I feel sad and mad about bullying. In my opinion it isn't something that I want it to be in the world."
"What i think about bully is that it can affect you in a bad ways and it is not healthy."
" If you are a bully you are hurting yourself and the person you are bullying. Just stop hurting eachother and BE YOUSELF"