Stand together society

We're all in this together, hand in hand, you're not alone.
Created by: Emily, Jordin, Mariyah, Saniyyah and Sofia

About Us

Stand together society is a website to educate, mainly high school students and anyone in a school environmnet, on todays society issues that can lead to bullying. A major factor that casues this in schools is the lack of diversity and how kids arent aware of diversity. While reading this website, we hope you you gain knowledge and understanding of things that are going on in todays society.

Our goal as a website

We want to give advice as much as we can! We would like this website to provide as much information as we can in situations involving bullying, diversity and the cconnections that they have. One of our accomplishments is to get teens to really pay attenion to this website and to refer back to it in the real world!

Lack Of Diversity

Diversity is a group of people of different races, cultures and ethnic backgrounds together in a certain setting. It is very important for children and teenagers to learn how to navigate in a diverse society. The Lack of diversity is more commom in high schools and also college. Students who aren't, exposed to diversity are more likely to bully or antagonize others who may differ from them. In addition, it stems from confusion and a lack of uderstanding as to why someone else is different from them; why they speak a different language, dress differently, or have a disability. Race, ethinicity, and disability plays a role in idenity which can also affect behavior. Every student should be treated the same no matter the difference.


  • Ask questions
  • Educate yourself and your peers on the meaning of diversity
  • Express your concern if you see oppertunites aren't opened to everyone
  • Diverse yourself by eating different foods or by attending festivals
  • Encourage friendships
  • Focus on positive characteristics
  • Stay open minded

Effects of Bullying

This sub-section will be showing you scholars and victims describe the effects of bullying. These responses will be based on personal infomation.

Many victims die due to suicide. Prevent suicide by calling the suicide hot-line before it's too late. Bullies shouldn't be the reason to lead you to suicidal thoughts. Talk to your parents, school officials, adults, or guardians for guidance and comfort.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Here are a list of youtube videos that show the effects of bullying. Some of these may be disturbing, but this is for educational purposes only.

Amanda Todd
CNN: Bully Victims Speak Out

These links below will direct you to articles that inform you how bullying has effect these victims. Viewer discretion is advised.

13 year old, Daniel Ftzpatrick, commits suicide after being bullied
12 year old, Mallory Grossman, commits suicide after being constanty bullied at her school. Parents decided to sue her school.
11 year old cancer surivor, Bethany Thompson, commits suicide because of bullying.
12 year old school girl brings a knife to school and attacks 2 students because they were being bullied on social media.

People, especially students in schools, get bullied for multiple reasons. whether it's because of your race, sexual orientation, relgion, disabillities, skin color, physical features, rumors, or even if they are the minority in their environment.

Feel free to contact us on our Facebook Page, Youtube Channel, or Twitter. Privately contact us if you want us to put your experiences of bullying on the website. Lets bring awareness to society!

Survey QUIZ

Which One Are You, Survey
Bully, Bullied, Buddy or Bystander

The Game

Hello, welcome to HeroZone where you get tasks to help you overcome the challenge of dealing with difficult people and ultimately become a better and more confident person!


Contact Stand Together Society

Feel free to email us to provide some feedback on how we can help students, give us suggestions on any articles you would like to see, or to just say hello!