The education girls are on a mission to improve education for underpriveledged families with working parents to provide resources to help shy students that want to succeed not just in school, but in life.

Click Here To Get Started!


You have the option to study all day and night.


Study partners

You can talk to students all over the world that have the same problem as you do. You can chat with them and you can study with them.

Study Groups

You can be in a study group chat and study with people with the same problems as you. You can ask anything and I garantee all of your questions will be answered.


You can send a teacher a direct message and you can ask them for help and they will help you. Also a teacher will be monitoring every single group chat to make sure that the kids are not fooling around or getting side-trackted. This website is for making new friends and studying.


In our website at first we want the students of same school or local/district, and high school grade students to keep our website on track. These are some examples of the school and Zip code, we are talking about same school or local/district.


E-book is an electronic verion of printed book that can be read in coumputer. In our studio we will use e-book as a resources for the subject.

Zip Code

1. 60610
2. 60625
3. 60628
4. 60634

High School Name

1.Payton College Preparatory High School.
2.Mather High School also Roosevolt High School also Amundsen High School.
3.Fenger Academy High School
4.Chicago Acaademy high School


Here resources can help you to know about the subjects.An item becomes a resources with time and devoloping technology.Resources are materials, energy, knowledge, and other assets.In our resources mathmatics,science,english,and many more subjects to help you all.


Website Subject


Website Subject


Website Subject


Website Subject

Language Arts

Website Subject


Teaching to educate and inspire the new generation.

Mary Smith

15 years of math and science

John Brown

11 years of social studies experience

Lila Fitzgerald

6 years of langugage arts experience


Share your questions, comments, and concerns below!

How can I get started?

Start with the placement survey, which determines which study group you are in. From then, you can learn lessons in study groups which can be found in the messages tab, ask real teachers questions, and use resources.

How can I learn more about my subject?

Besides study groups, you can message teachers questions in the messages tab and use resources.

Who are the Education Girls?

We are girls that see solutions to problems education is facing today.

What do the Education Girls do?

Our mission is to improve education for underpriveledged families with working parents to provide resources to help shy students that want to succeed not just in school, but in life.